SWO not only provides financial coverage and handles investment portfolios, but have also helped many individuals expand, manage and tide over difficult and trying times in their lives. As a result, many managed to attain their financial goals and reach self-actualization; with successful and thriving businesses of their own.

Case Study #01:

Mr Lin Say Bock* is an example to how our services have benefited him. Our first encounter with him was a few years back where he had just been retrenched from his company of 10 years. With a low education and a family of five to feed, he was at his end’s wits when he approached us. However all that changed for him after that meeting. With the much needed capital he was given, he managed to turn the situation around and is now owns a thriving hawker store where people would often queue long hours just to savour his fare. This was indeed a dream come true for him.


Case Study #02

Mdm Tan Gek Choo* managed to salvage her family-owned minimart business through our financial services as well. During the latest financial meltdown, her minimart business suffered huge losses and was on the verge of declaring bankruptcy, had her friend not recommended us to her. With this additional cashflow support, her business has since bounced back in the pink again. There are even talks of expansions! To think this used to be a far-fetched notion for her!


*Names have been changed to protect privacy. Images may differ from actual locations.

So do approach our friendly consultants for an experience which will alter the course of your life.